Our expertise is supporting the Australian Accounting Industry
Our clients have an appetite for seeking proactive and innovative services that will assist them to expand their businesses by way of marketing and/or offering additional services to better serve their existing and future clients.
Our clients intend to fast track the training of their internal staff and to provide value added solutions which will aid their clients to maximise their income and wealth potential


Our staff are hired based on their cultural fit to our values as a business. We believe that staff who demonstrate a hunger to learn and committed to team success can be trained and trusted to follow process necessary for business success.
All team members agree on career and personal goals. It is our priority as a business that staff are supported and encouraged to pursue THEIR passion and should that sit outside of the organisation, the business will support that transition.
All team members receive intensive SMSF training on an ongoing basis, to make them the best at their craft. Our Leadership Program produces amazing young talent who become confident in their manner to deal with colleagues and clients.


Our office has high level data security which encompasses a secure workflow and data transfer portal where all data is encrypted.  Restrictions are in place around use of any mobile device or screen capture technology within the office during work hours.  Clients who visit our office often ask if our team are happy with not having access to their mobile phones or social media during work hours.  Simply put, our team understand the distractions associated with mobile phones and social media, are committed to our pursuit as a business to be outstanding, and recognise these devices pose security risks and stifle our mission to be that outstanding business.

All passwords for any software application are protected from ALL team members.  This ensures no team member can access a client’s financials from home as our software security hides passwords, in addition to limiting access to the underlying accounting software from any location outside of the set IP addresses.

Our Security policy can be found by clicking our ‘Company Policy’ link at the bottom of this page.



Mike McHenry


Cooper Ingles

Audit Team

Darcy Keast

Audit Team

Jacob Hams

Processing Support

Jack Royce

Audit Team

Luke Xavier

Audit Team

Maddison White

Audit Team

Monet New

Audit Team

Ollie Hanneysee

Audit Team

Patrick Silo

Audit Team

Shania Brinkman

Business Services Support

Toby Mahony

Audit Team

Frank La Spada

Technical and Training

Damian O’Donnell

Business Services Support

Haylee Wrigglesworth

Audit Team

Jack Bell

Audit Team

Joseph La Spada

Technical and Training

Lucy Wallace

Audit Team

Masuki Kikukawa

Audit Team

Monica Stokes

Business Development Manager

Noah Cunningham

Audit Team

Oliver Brosolo

Business Development Manager

Raph Cook

Audit Team

Tom Grossman

Technical and Training

Taryn Holman

National Sales Manager

Danielle Henderson


Imogen Minto

Audit Team

Jacob Gniel

Business Development Manager

Kendel Haslett

Audit Team

Liam Mahoney

Audit Team

Matthew Todaro

Audit Team

Muhtasim Samaun

Audit Team

Paul Burchell

Technical and Training

Rylan Matthews

Audit Team

Thomas Qaranivalu

Audit Team

Tom O’Leary

Audit Team


We believe it is important to give back to the community, create awareness and provide support in any way we can.

As part of our company mission, we support the following organisations:

To donate, click on the link above and follow the prompts.